GVI US would be more appropriate.

Take me there!

A place of greater safety

GVI’s health and safety

We believe that working abroad should be meaningful, thrilling, joyful, educational – and carry as little risk as possible. We have maintained a reputation as one of the most highly-respected sustainable development organisations in the sector over two decades by ensuring that we can successfully – and safely – manage young people in remote and challenging environments.

We are fully committed to providing extensive support throughout the process as well as the highest safety standards during your stay at any of our bases.

Our stringent support and safety operational guidelines have ensured that we are compliant with British Standard 8848, a set of requirements designed to ensure international adventure travellers the highest standard of care on their trip abroad.

Risk mitigation

As soon as you have booked one of our programs, you will be assigned a personal support coordinator, who will oversee your pre-departure journey. The support coordinator will bridge the gap between program enrollment and arrival on base. They will make sure that you have all the necessary information required to apply for visas, background checks, and any other documentation. They will guide you through a personalised packing list specific to your chosen location and program, and facilitate any necessary cultural orientation and program-specific training. 

In many of our locations, we set up a WhatsApp group to effectively manage participant arrivals. This means you will be connected with local GVI staff from the moment you start your journey to the moment you are picked up at the airport by a GVI staff member.

Once you return from your programs, you will be asked to provide feedback on your experience with us, and you are automatically added to our alumni support network giving you access to special offers, professional opportunities, and connections from around the world.


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We’re incredibly serious about child protection, health and safety, and care deeply about making learning more engaging.

Case study: Commitment to safety and security
Case study: Commitment to safety and security

The saying goes: “Expect the best, plan for the worst”. Cliched or not, we take it to heart. This is at the core of how GVI operates when it comes to promoting the health and safety of our participants, staff, and local community members.

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Case study: Preparation for natural disasters
Case study: Preparation for natural disasters

The weather isn’t just a topic for polite small talk here at GVI. We have emergency action plans in place for all scenarios. So when the weather, or other natural forces, takes a nasty turn, we are prepared to respond to stormy situations.


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Case study: how GVI upholds health and safety
Case study: how GVI upholds health and safety

It takes courage to book a GVI program, get on a flight, and head off to somewhere new. Our sustainable development programs offer a level of cultural immersion and meaningful impact that typical backpacking or holidays just can’t achieve.

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Managing participants expectations
Managing participants expectations

After matching a participant to a program that suits their passions and goals, we aim to set the right expectations. In the event that false expectations around a program are created, we will always take immediate action to ensure that the situation is rectified.

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